Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Lady’s Maid and Cinderella Essay Example for Free

The Lady’s Maid and Cinderella Essay In â€Å"The Lady’s Maid,† by Katherine Mansfield, the narrator and maid is named Ellen. (Name similarity?) She, much like Cinderella, is loyal and quiet in performing her daily duties. Ellen is also searching for something to complete her life. But several incidents in Ellen’s life contribute to her un-Cinderella-like ending, including the fact that she does not have a mythical figure to help her out. These scenes, which are shown through Ellen’s responses to interactions with characters around her, prove Ellen to be a very complex character. Both Ellen and Cinderella experience sadness from childhood experiences and devotion to the ladies that they serve, but whereas Cinderella overcomes her problems in the end and finds happiness, Ellen carries her emotions so deeply that she cannot break free from her enslaved life. When comparing Cinderella and Ellen, a their childhoods are obviously similar in many respects. Both the girls lack a constant loving home and a strong mother figure. Losing a parent at a young age is distressing to Cinderella in much the same way as it is for Ellen. Because the girls were never close with their parents because of death, they never developed the ties of loving mother-daughter relationships. Cinderella worked for her stepmother at a very young age, and after Ellen lived with her grandfather and an aunt, she was sent to work as a maid at age thirteen. The shuffling of parental figures for both Cinderella and Ellen causes them intense emotional trauma and likely triggers feelings of guilt for the loss of their parents. Cinderella and Ellen spend their days devoting much time and attention to those people in their lives who do give them attention. Because they never feel the true love that a parent can give, they mistake the orders from the old ladies as parental love. The maternal instincts that these girls both feel are similar, because they are struggling with the lack of parental influence and consequently cope by devoting their energy to those who give them any attention at all. And because they end up devoting much of their lives to those people who give them negative attention, neither Cinderella nor Ellen have anyone who truly care for them. As Cinderella and Ellen were growing up, they had no one that loved them the way a parent can love. Cinderella and Ellen had unfulfilling childhoods that later caused them to attach later in life to anyone who should care for them. Because of their dependence to these people, the girls are both easily manipulated. Cinderella does all her chores for her stepmother and constantly cooks and cleans for the family. She feels that it is her duty to serve the family for allowing her to live with them. Cinderella is very dependent on the malicious, unloving family because she has no one else who cares about her. The stepmother and stepsisters are very cruel to Cinderella, and she does not like the way she is treated, yet she still does her work cheerfully, constantly singing and talking with the birds and the dog. Cinderella seems to create happiness for her and for others, seemingly drawing from an internal reservoir of pure heartedness, goodness, and beauty. There is no external source refilling her with love, support, and comfort. Ellen’s lady does not treat her cruelly, but Ellen’s life is emotionally unfulfilling, like Cinderella. Her lady wants her to be happy, but still places high demands on Ellen, like an employer. The lady does not offer any true feelings of love to Ellen that a young woman needs to feel. At this age in the girls’ lives, they need to be feeling love as experienced in a marriage. Similar to Cinderella, Ellen attaches herself to the lady because there is no one else, and is controlled into pleasing the lady. Ellen has become so devoted that her primary concern is pleasing the lady. She says, â€Å"I’ve got nobody but my lady† (Mansfield 37). Ellen and Cinderella feel emotionally isolated throughout their young adult lives, and in order to feel needed, they attach themselves to their respective ladies. Cinderella and Ellen have very similar lives until it comes time for them to break free of their mundane lives. Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother appears on the night of the ball, makes her a beautiful dress, and whisks her off to the ball in a pumpkin carriage. There, she meets Prince Charming, and eventually they are married and live â€Å"happily ever after† (Cinderella). She overcomes her problems and escapes her cruel stepfamily, to eventually be happy. Perhaps this is because of the intervention of her Fairy Godmother, a luxury that Ellen does not have. The mythical godmother provides outside assistance that may be paralleled to divine intervention, referring to a force that is greater than one. Perhaps, when Cinderella was written, this force was very important in daily lives. And when â€Å"A Lady’s Maid† was written, this divine force was not as powerful as a truth in daily lives, which is why Mansfield did not include it in her story. Ellen cannot esc ape her life with the lady. Harry, Ellen’s suitor, has lives full of flowers and family planned out. The couple will live above his flower shop while running the business. However, Ellen rejects the idea of marriage, telling Harry â€Å"I’m not going to marry you. I can’t leave my lady† (Mansfield 40). Ellen’s choice to stay with her lady over being with a man that cares about her shows her abnormal amount of loyalty and devotion (almost puppy-like) to her lady. There is no one to show Ellen the way to happiness, as there was for Cinderella. Ellen concludes her story by saying, â€Å"She says, ‘Good night, Ellen. Sleep sound and wake early!’ I don’t know what I would do if she didn’t say that, now† (Mansfield 40). Ellen is so devoted to her lady that she cannot leave her, even though she had a better life with Harry. Her guilt, desperation to please, dependence, and devotion to her lady overcome her desire to have an emotionally fulfilling adult relationship in the end. Instead, she stays with her lady. The loss or gain of marital love is a prevailing theme throughout both stories. The difference in the endings for Cinderella and Ellen is significant; Cinderella obtains happiness while Ellen remains in her state of near-slavery. The reason for the difference is not in their characters, because they have experienced the emotional trauma from an early age, and consequently both have very similar thoughts, actions, and emotions. From Cinderella, the reader sees an oppressed young girl who obtains freedom from her evil stepmother by marrying Prince Charming with the help of her Fairy Godmother. The reader understands that mythical forces, such as fairy godmothers, are there to help out when times are tough, and that eventually everyone will get their own Prince Charming. Katherine Mansfield wants the reader of â€Å"A Lady’s Maid† to see Ellen’s desperation to please and her devout service to the lady, all while revealing deep inner troubles of a character who is not able to resolve herself in the end. While Cinderella is a charming, mythical story that children of all ages love, Mansfield’s modern story form provides a realistic and truthful ending.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Euthanasia In The United States :: Free Essay Writer

Euthanasia in the United States Every year two million people die in North America. Chronic illness, such as cancer or heart disease, accounts for two of every three deaths. It is estimated that approximately seventy percent of these people die after a decision is made to forgo life-sustaining treatment (Choice in Dying). In America and all around the world, the ongoing debate is whether patients should have the opportunity to implement this critical alternative of euthanasia. Although controversial, it is imperative that United States citizens are not denied this right to a humane death. Groups in opposition to euthanasia say that patients who yearn to make this decision are neither in a healthy psychological state of mind nor have the God-willing right to do so. These groups feel if euthanasia were to become a publicly accepted option to the terminally ill that physicians, family, and even patients may abuse it. They also strongly support modern end-of-life treatment, known as pall iative care, as a more logical and moral option. Perhaps the strongest belief that euthanasia is wrong comes from those who follow the words of the Bible and believe that every aspect of life belongs to God. The Old Testament records an incident involving King Saul of Israel, who became seriously wounded on the battlefield. Fearing the advancing enemy, Saul took his own sword and tried to fall against it. He cried to a soldier, â€Å"Come and put me out of my misery for I am in terrible pain but life lingers on.† The soldier acted in accordance with the wishes of the king and killed him. The soldier then brought some of Saul’s armor to David and said, â€Å"I killed him, for I knew he couldn’t live.† David ordered the soldier put to death (Eareckson, 111). Those who believe in the Bible clearly see here that, whether a monarch or a common person, mercy killing is perceived as iniquitous in the Lord’s eyes. To see a more recent example of the Cathol ic Church’s disagreement of euthanasia we only have to look back a few years. In 1994, for instance, the Dutch television station IKON’s filming of the death of a man with Lou Gehrig’s disease in a documentary, â€Å"Death on Request,† brought a denunciation from the Vatican (Branegan, 30). Equally important to those supporting the anti-euthanasia cause is the thought of any physician, family member or patient who would abuse this right if given the chance.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Effects of Globalization in Oman Essay

Many new international features are appeared in the world nowadays. Globalization, which is â€Å"The trend toward that increases connectedness across international borders,† as Frisch, M. (2002, P. 2) claims, is one of these features. It effects negatively on the social, economic and politic sides in Oman. To start with, the social side in Oman is affected negatively by the globalization. While communicating with people from all over the world, Omani people lose their identities. For instance, they change their customs and behaviours by imitating people from different cultures and acting like them and according to their strange religious ideas. Furthermore, globalization effects on Omani economic side badly. Statistics shows that Omani economy is in reduce in the farming and fishing parts. That happens because of the globalization which let people leave their simple jobs like fishing and farming and go to work in factories which are built by the big countries in the world that appear the globalization. Therefore, the vegetables and fish are reduced in Oman. Finally, politic side in Oman is affected negatively by the globalization. His Majesty (2002, P. ) said to people that did not let that new movement, globalization, to effect on their personalities because when it happened, it would be easy for the enemies to control their country. In another word, because of the imitation, people become useless and the country becomes which makes it easy to fall in the enemies’ hands. In conclusion, the effects of globalization in Oman are appeared in three sides, in the social, economic and in the politic side. By communicating with people from different countries, imitating and behaving like them, Omani people lose their identity and this leads later on to the weakness of the Omani society.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Conjugation Table for the Italian Verb Passare

Regular, of the first conjugation, passare is a versatile verb of many meanings, some similar to its English counterpart to pass, some less. Used in transitive mode, with the  auxiliary verb  avere and a  direct object, passare means, among others, to spend time; to spend ones vacation or summer doing something somewhere; to pass a law; to pass an exam, an inspection, or a doctors visit; to pass the salt, or pass the word on; and to experience (or go through) something such as a scare or a hard time. For example: Passo il tempo a leggere. I pass/spend my time reading.Ogni anno passiamo la Pasqua in compagnia dei parenti. Every year we spend Easter in the company of our relatives.Paolo ha passato lesame di guida. Paolo passed his driving test.Il parlamento ha passato due leggi nuove. Parliament passed two new laws.Il nonno ha passato una bella paura. Grandfather had a big scare. Many Intransitive Uses Used in intransitive mode—remember which is which and how you choose the auxiliary verb—in compound tenses with the auxiliary verb  essere, passare is more akin to a true verb of movement: It means to pass through something, such as a space; to stop by somewhere; to pass by or go by, say, in front of a place, either on foot or on a vehicle; to traverse or go through a locale; to travel via a place; and to go away or pass. Remember, in compound tenses with essere, the participio passato—which in the case of passare is passato—has to agree in gender and number with the subject. Lacqua passa per il tubo. Water passes through the tube.I topi sono passati per il buco. The mice passed through the hole.Non ci passo! I cant fit through!Dopo passo. Later Ill stop by.La gente passa per strada guardando le vetrine. People go by looking at the store windows.LArno passa per Firenze. The Arno goes through Florence.Per andare ad Albinia si passa per Pitigliano e la Strada Maremmana. To go to Albinia you go through Pitigliano and the Strada Maremmana.Sono andata a casa passando per i campi. I went home through the fields.Passiamo sotto larco. Lets pass under the arch.Mi à ¨ passata la febbre. My fever went away.È passato il freddo. The cold snap has passed. With the adverb sopra a (qualcosa), passarci (pronominal and also intransitive) also means to overlook something (as in forgive or indulge or let go): Per questa volta, ci passiamo sopra. For this once, well overlook it (something understood). And then there is passare per la testa, which means to cross ones mind, think about or consider (used sarcastically, to mock what someone might be thinking). Ma che ti passa per la testa? What are you thinking? In the conjugation tables below you will find a variety of transitive and intransitive uses. Note the compound tenses. Indicativo Presente: Present Indicative Absolutely regular presente. Io passo Io passo le estati al mare. I pass the summers at the sea. Tu passi Tu passi da tua mamma. You stop by your mom's. Lui, lei, Lei passa Il tempo passa veloce Time passes quickly. Noi passiamo Noi passiamo davanti al negozio. We walk in front of the store. Voi passate Voi passate l'esame. You pass the test. Loro, Loro passano Gli uccelli passano per la valle. The birds pass through the valley Indicativo Imperfetto: Imperfect Indicative A regular -are imperfetto. Io passavo Da bambina passavo le estati al mare coi nonni. When I was a little girl I spent summers at the sea with my grandparents. Tu passavi Quando abitavi qui passavi da tua mamma tutti i giorni. When you lived here you stopped/you used to stop by your mom's every day. Lui, lei, Lei passava A scuola il tempo passava veloce. At school time used to fly by. Noi passavamo Da ragazze passavamo sempre davanti ai negozi a guardare le vetrine. As young girls we used to always walk in front of the stores to look in the windows. Voi passavate A scuola voi passavate gli esami facilmente. At school you passed your exams easily. Loro, Loro passavano Anni fa gli uccelli passavano per questa valle. Years ago the birds used to pass through this valley. Indicativo Passato Prossimo: Present Perfect Indicative Note the differences in passato prossimo with avere and essere. Io ho passato Ho sempre passato le estati al mare. I have always spent the summers at the sea. Tu sei passato/a Questa settimana non sei passata da tua mamma. This week you didn't stop by your mom's. Lui, lei, Lei à ¨ passato/a Questo mese il tempo à ¨ passato veloce. This month the time flew quickly. Noi siamo passati/e Ieri siamo passate davanti al negozio tre volte. Yesterday we walked in front of the store three times. Voi avete passato Bravi! Avete passato due esami di fila! Good for you! You passed two exams in a row! Loro, Loro sono passati/e Quest'inverno gli uccelli non sono passati per la valle. This winter the birds did not pass through the valley. Indicativo Passato Remoto: Remote Past Indicative Regular passato remoto in -are. Io passai Da bambina, molti anni fa, passai molte estati al mare. When I was a girl many years ago I spent many summers at the sea. Tu passasti Mi ricordo, quel giorno passasti da tua mamma e la trovasti che piangeva. I remember, that day you stopped by your mom's and you found her crying. Lui, lei, Lei passà ² Quell'estate al mare il tempo passà ² veloce. That summer at the beach time flew by. Noi passammo Quella volta quando volevamo comprare quel vestito, passammo davanti al negozio dieci volte. That time, when we wanted to buy that dress, we walked by the store ten times. Voi passaste Al liceo passaste tutti i vostri esami. In high school you passed all of your exams. Loro, Loro passarono Fu l'ultima volta che gli uccelli passarono per la valle. That was the last time that the birds passed through the valley. Indicativo Trapassato Prossimo: Past Perfect Indicative A compound made of the imperfetto of the auxiliary and the past participle, the trapassato prossimo is a past tense that precedes something else in the past that is part of the story. Io avevo passato Quell'anno avevo passato l'estate al mare e quando tornai te n'eri andata. That year I had spent the summer at the sea and when I returned you were gone. Tu eri passato/a Quel giorno eri passata da tua mamma molto presto e non la trovasti. That day you had stopped by your mom's very early and you hadn't found her there. Lui, lei, Lei era passato/a Quell'estate eravamo innamorati e il tempo era passato veloce. That summer we were in love and time had flown by. Noi eravamo passati/e Quel giorno eravamo passate davanti al negozio dieci volte prima di comprare il vestito. That day we had walked in front of the store ten times before buying the dress. Voi avevate passato Quell'anno avevate passato tutti gli esami ed eravate fieri. That year you had passed all your exams and you were very proud. Loro, Loro erano passati/e Quella primavera gli uccelli erano passati per la valle ed erano bellissimi. That summer the birds had passed through the valley and they were beautiful. Indicativo Trapassato Remoto: Preterite Perfect Indicative A compound made of the passato remoto of the auxiliary and the past participle, the trapassato remoto is a literary tense, mostly, but good for stories about long ago. It is used in constructions with the passato remoto and with such expressions as appena and dopo che. Io ebbi passato Dopo che ebbi passato l'estate al mare tornai in città  . After I had spent the summer at the sea I returned to the city. Tu fosti passato/a Appena tu fosti passato da tua mamma, comincià ² a piovere. As soon as you had stopped by your mom's it started raining. Lui, lei, Lei fu passato/a Dopo che qualche tempo fu passato, tornà ². After some time had gone by, he returned. Noi fummo passati/e Appena che passammo davanti al negozio ci vide. As soon as we had passed in front of the store, he saw us. Voi aveste passato Dopo che aveste passato l'esame prendeste la macchina. After you had passed your exam, you got the car. Loro, Loro furono passati/e Dopo che gli uccelli furono passati per la valle arrivarono i cacciatori. After the birds had passed through the valley, the hunters arrived. Indicativo Futuro Semplice: Future Indicative A regular simple future. Io passerà ² Io passerà ² l'estate al mare. I will spend the summer at the sea. Tu passerai Passerai da tua mamma dopo? Will you stop by your mom's later? Lui, lei, Lei passerà   Non essere triste: il tempo passerà   veloce. Don't be sad: Time will fly by. Noi passeremo Passeremo davanti al negozio questo pomeriggio. We will go by the store this afternoon. Voi passerete Avete studiato e passerete l'esame. You have studied and you will pass the exam. Loro, Loro passeranno Questa primavera gli uccelli passeranno per la valle. This spring the birds will pass through the valley. Indicativo Futuro Anteriore: Future Perfect Indicative The futuro anteriore, made of the future of the auxiliary and the past participle, is about an action that will happen after something else. Io avrà ² passato Dopo che avrà ² passato l'estate al mare ci rivedremo. After I will have spent the summer at the sea we will see each other again. Tu sarai passato/a Dopo che sarai passata da tua mamma andremo a mangiare. After you will have stopped by your mom's we will go eat. Lui, lei, Lei sarà   passato/a Quando il tempo sarà   passato capiremo meglio cosa à ¨ successo. When time will have passed we will better understand what happened. Noi saremo passati/e Dopo che saremo passate davanti al negozio decideremo sul vestito. After we will have gone by the store we will decide on the dress. Voi avrete passato Quando avrete passato gli esami andrete al mare. When you will have passed your exams you will go to the sea. Loro, Loro saranno passati/e Dopo che gli uccelli saranno passati per la valle attraverseranno il fiume e spariranno. After the birds will have passed through the valley, they will cross the river and disappear. Congiuntivo Presente: Present Subjunctive Regular congiuntivo presente. Che io passi La mamma vuole che passi l'estate al mare. Mom wishes for me to spend the summer at the sea. Che tu passi Spero che dopo passi da tua mamma cosà ¬ ti vedo. I hope you will stop by your mom's later so I can see you. Che lui, lei, Lei passi Spero che il tempo passi veloce. I hope that time flies. Che noi passiamo Non à ¨ possibile che passiamo davanti al negozio ancora! It's not possible that we go by the store again. Che voi passiate Dubito che voi passiate gli esami. I doubt you will pass the exams. Che loro, Loro passino Spero che gli uccelli passino per la valle. I hope the birds will pass through the valley. Congiuntivo Imperfetto: Imperfect Subjunctive Regular congiuntivo imperfetto. Che io passassi La mamma voleva che passassi l'estate al mare. Mom wished that I spend/spent the summer at the sea. Che tu passassi Speravo che tu passassi da tua mamma cosà ¬ ti vedevo. I was hoping/hoped that you would stop by your mom's so I could see you. Che lui, lei, Lei passasse Speravo che il tempo passasse veloce. I was hoping/hoped that time would fly. Che noi passassimo Volevo che passassimo davanti al negozio ancora! I wanted us/I wished for us to go by the store once again! Che voi passaste Dubitavo che voi passaste l'esame. I doubted that you would pass the exam. Che loro, Loro passassero Speravo che gli uccelli passassero per la valle. I was hoping/hoped that the birds would pass through the valley. Congiuntivo Passato: Present Perfect Subjunctive A compound tense, the congiuntivo passato is formed of the present subjunctive and the past participle. Che io abbia passato Benchà © abbia passato l'estate al mare sono ancora stanca. Though I spent the summer at the sea I am still tired. Che tu sia passato/a Spero che tu sia passata da tua mamma: ti cercava. I hope you stopped by your mom's: She was calling for you. Che lui, lei, Lei sia passato/a Benchà © il tempo sia passato in fretta, mi sono comunque annoiata. Though time flew by, I still got bored. Che noi siamo passati/e Benchà © siamo passate davanti al negozio dieci volte, non hai ancora comprato il vestito. Though we passed in front of the store ten times, you still have not bought the dress. Che voi abbiate passato Sono contenta che abbiate passato l'esame. I am happy that you passed the exam. Che loro, Loro siano passati/e Sono felicissima che gli uccelli siano passati per la valle. I am very happy that the birds passed through the valley. Congiuntivo Trapassato: Past Perfect Subjunctive A compound tense, the congiuntivo trapassato is formed of the imperfect subjunctive of the auxiliary and the past participle and used in constructions ranging from the passato prossimo to the conditional. Che io avessi passato La mamma sperava che avessi passato l'estate al mare. Mom hoped/had hoped that I had spent the summer at the sea. Che tu fossi passato/a Vorrei che tu fossi passata da tua mamma. I wish you had stopped by your mom's. Che lui, lei, Lei fosse passato/a Speravo che il tempo in esilio fosse passato veloce per te. I had hoped that your time in exile had gone by quickly. Che noi fossimo passati/e Sebbene fossimo passate davanti al negozio dieci volte, ancora non aveva comprato il vestito. Though we had gone by the store ten times, she still had not bought the dress. Che voi aveste passato Temevo che non aveste passato l'esame. I feared that you had not passed the exam. Che loro, Loro fossero passati/e Vorrei che gli uccelli fossero passati per la valle. I wish that the birds had passed through the valley. Condizionale Presente: Present Conditional A regular condizionale presente. Io passerei Io passerei l'estate al mare se venissi anche tu. I would spend the summer at the sea if you came too. Tu passeresti Tu passeresti da tua mamma se avessi tempo. You would stop by your mom's if you had time. Lui, lei, Lei passerebbe Il tempo passerebbe veloce se fossimo meno annoiate. Time would fly by quickly if we were less bored. Noi passeremmo Passeremmo davanti al negozio a guardare la vetrina se fosse vicino. We would go by the store to look in the window if it were close by. Voi passereste Voi passereste l'esame se studiaste. You would pass the exam if you studied. Loro, Loro passerebbero Gli uccelli passerebbero per la valle se non ci fossero i cacciatori. The birds would pass through the valley if the hunters were not there. Condizionale Passato: Past Conditional A regular condizionale passato, made of the present conditional of the auxiliary and the past participle. Io avrei passato Avrei passato l'estate al mare se avessi avuto i soldi. I would have spent the summer at the sea had I had the money. Tu sarei passato/a Saresti passata da tua mamma se avessi avuto voglia. You would have stopped by your mom's had you felt like it. Lui, lei, Lei sarebbe passato/a Il tempo sarebbe passato veloce se tu facessi qualcosa. Time would have gone by quickly if you did something. Noi saremmo passati/e Saremmo passate davanti al negozio se avessimo avuto tempo. We would have gone by the store had we had the time. Voi avreste passato Voi avreste passato l'esame se aveste studiate. You would have passed your exam had you studied. Loro, Loro sarebbero passati/e Gli uccelli sarebbero passati per la valle se non ci fossero stati i cacciatori. The birds would have passed through the valley had the hunters not been there. Imperativo: Imperative The tense of orders and exhortations. As Virgil said to Dante in La Divina Commedia in famous words concerning the verb passare: Guarda e passa. Look and move on. Tu passa Passami il sale, per favore. Pass me the salt, please. Noi passiamo Passiamo dalla mamma. Let's stop by mom's. Voi passate Passate da Siena che fate prima. Go through Siena; it will be faster. Infinito Presente Passato: Present Past Infinitive Remember, the infinitive can function as a noun. Passare (transitivo) Voglio passare l'esame. I want to pass the exam. Passare (intransitivo) 1. Lasciala passare! 2. Il passare del tempo mi intristisce. 1. Let her through. 2. The passing of time saddens me. Avere passato Aver passato l'esame à ¨ un grande sollievo. Having passed the exam is a great relief. Essere passato/a/i/e Sono contenta di essere passata a trovarti. I am happy to have come by to see you. Participio Presente Passato: Present Past Participle The present participle passante means the passer-by or the pedestrian. The past participle also can function as a noun or an adjective. Passante Il passante si à ¨ fermato a guardare. The passer-by stopped to look. Passato Gli ho passato la parola. I passed him the word. Passato/a/i/e Gli sono passata accanto. I passed right by him. Gerundio Presente Passato: Present Past Gerund Passando Passando davanti alla chiesa ho notato la bellissima finestra. While passing in front of the church I noticed the beautiful window. Avendo passato Avendo passato molto tempo in Italia, parlo bene l'italiano. Having passed a lot of time in Italy, I speak Italian well. Essendo passato/a/i/e Essendole passata la febbre, Carla si à ¨ alzata. Her fever having passed, Carla got out of bed.